Seable Is A Social Enterprise That Is Working To Help The Disabled Community Live A More Independent And Fulfilling Life.

Seable is a social enterprise that is working to help the disabled community live a more independent and fulfilling life.
Our main goal is to enable visually- and physically-impaired people to enjoy a more enriching holiday experience either independently or with their friends and family members. This experience is delivered through a wide range of activities that partially blind, blind, and wheelchair users can engage in.  All of the active accessible holidays of Seable are arranged in the breathtakingly gorgeous location of Sicily, Italy, and include scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea, fishing, horseback riding, 4×4 driving on the highest active volcano of Europe Mount Etna, and quad biking.

For those looking for less active activities we offer naturalistic excursions, cultural tours, enjoy true Sicilian delicacies, gastronomic delights, enjoy learning how to make their own olive oil, engage in orange plantation with local farmers, and indulge in wine tastings with award winning wine producers.

More information can be found at

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