Support The ABLE Act!
It is an important time for everyone living with disabilities. Congress is wrapping up its final business, and this is our chance to encourage the House and Senate to pass the ABLE Act this year! The ABLE Act (Achieving a Better Life Experience Act – S. 313/H.R. 647) is an important bill that would enable families to plan for the financial futures of their loved ones living with disabilities without risking essential benefit eligibility.
We need you to keep the momentum strong and help us encourage the House and Senate to schedule the ABLE Act for a vote now!
Take Action!
Make 4 easy phone calls to the legislators below encouraging them to support the ABLE Act and bring it to a vote:
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Leadership Office: 202-224-2158
- Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: Leadership Office: 202-224-3135
- Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: Leadership Office: 202-225-4000
- Speaker John Boehner: Leadership Office: 202-225-0600
I also encourage you to contact your state’s senators and your congressman for their support and vote. Visit Contacting the Congress to locate the contact information for your representatives.
The ABLE Act (Achieving a Better Life Experience Act) of 2013 (S.313/H.R.647) aims to help individuals with disabilities and their families save funds for future costs related to maintaining health, independence and quality of life, such as expenses for education, housing, transportation, employment support, health prevention and wellness, assistive technology and personal support. Just as Americans have tax-deferred savings accounts to help them save for college and retirement, the ABLE Act provides individuals living with disabilities the same types of savings tools for qualified expenses by amending Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Service Code of 1986 to create tax-free savings accounts. This bill is waiting to be scheduled for a vote in the House and Senate.
Talking Points
- I’m calling to thank Senator Reid for being a cosponsor of the ABLE Act and bring it to the floor for a vote before the end of the year.
- We need his leadership to bring the most bipartisan bill up for a vote. The ABLE Act has 85% of Congress co-sponsoring it, which includes 74 Senators and 381 Representatives
- The House Ways and Means Committee already unanimously voted the ABLE Act out of committee.
- The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the bill and, in September, issued a press release outlining their intention to bring the ABLE Act to a vote once Congress returns from recess and after the election.
- The ABLE Act will make a life-changing difference in the lives of the disability community and long overdue. Please, as the Majority Leader, bring the ABLE Act to a vote!
Thank you for all you do to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Together, our collective progress can help pass the ABLE Act this year!